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Excellence In Ministry

My goal is to seek God’s very best, not my personal preferences for the people under my leadership.  The business of the church should be carried out in a way that is above reproach, including appropriate checks and balances. Buildings and programs should be the very best possible to ensure appropriate outreach and spiritual growth for God’s people.  The church is the hope of the world, therefore care should be taken to represent Christ in the community with excellence, integrity and consistency.


Discipleship is living the Great Commission. This is how Jesus Christ spent his time here on earth, reaching the lost and investing himself into the lives of his followers. Discipling the apostles was the work that Jesus Christ was sent to accomplish. (John 17:4) Discipleship is not just a program, or even a ministry, it is the ministry! Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ modeled this for us during his three and a half year public ministry. He reached the lost, taught them the Word of God by word and deed, and equipped them to accomplish the Great Commission. I am committed to investing in those within the church, to reach those outside the church.

Pastoral Ministry

The primary work of the Pastor is to represent Christ in the pulpit and before members and the community at large. Special care will be taken to interpret Scripture accurately and apply God’s word to the needs of the community and congregation. Much of my preaching style is expositional with application to today's needs, challenges, and struggles. In order for my ministry to be successful I will need to be with people.  I desire to “live life” with others, experiencing their joys and sorrows. Equipping people for ministry is a priority. Members will take ownership when they are involved in the process of ministry.


While strong pastoral leadership is a must and the biblical pattern, I will remain accountable before the Lord, my wife, the officers and members of the church.  Accountability like this requires a strong relationship of trust that is fostered over time.  I need friends who will love me enough to tell us the truth when I am wrong, to compliment me when I am right and to encourage me when times of disappointment come.


Leadership is influence. I am not an autocratic leader, nor a dictator. The Scriptural principle is that God has set the pastors as “overseers” of the church. I desire to network with godly men and women, both professional staff and volunteers, equipping them to do the work of the ministry as a team. The leadership process involves casting vision, developing plans, and working a strategy to reach a common goal. True leaders never desire to lord it over people, but to lead by example, by casting vision and by equipping men and women to serve Christ through the local church.


There must consistently be a clear presentation of the truth of the Gospel.  The cross cannot be sugar- coated or weakened by sugary appeals.  But the severity of the cross is covered in the promise of grace. Legalism, man's attempt to obtain righteousness or impress God, is a killer.  It destroys unity, it destroys joy and brings division into any community of believers.  In a culture that is filled with carnality and sin, truth and grace are key proclamations of the church.  In order to attract unbelievers, the church must be a community of believers where real joy and unity abound and where godliness and love for others is obvious.  We are called to live godly lives, and it is grace that enables us to do so.  The focus of the church must be outward, not selfishly inward.


The church is the hope of the world.  It is not just gathering place for Christians. However it can't just be a massive birth place of believers.  It will be my strong priority over the years to keep the church centered on the Great Commission.  Every church is unique just as every individual is unique. Yet there are universal principles for which every church exists: worship, evangelism, discipleship and fellowship. God is gathering a people for His name. I will lead the leaders of the church to identify the uniqueness of the church ministry. Then together with the leaders of the church we will challenge the church to accept the ownership of God’s vision for the church ministry.


When it comes to God’s family, unity is job one.  It will be my responsibility along with other leaders within the church, to protect the church from those who would bring discord into God’s family. The church must be pure in doctrine and united in spirit and purpose. The church is God’s precious jewel.  The reputation of the church is too important to allow carelessness in doctrine or actions to destroy the church’s reputation before the community.

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