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Four Goals of Discipleship


Disciplers while using a solid, Biblical cirrculum to teach and establish biblical principles in the life of another individual (the disciple). It will be used to establish the disciple in the four goals, which are:


1. Establish the disciple in the word of God

2. Establish the disciple in the local church

3. Establish the disciple in the fellowship of other like minded individuals

4. Establish the disciple in ministry


These goals are reached through regular investment of the Word of God into the disciple’s life and through fervent prayer.

• The leader/teacher/discipler will bring the disciple alongside them in their present ministry.

• Quarterly meetings for disciplers. These meetings are to provide them with encouragement, on-going training, and provide a way for the Discipleship Ministry Team leaders to check in on the establishment of the four goals. 



How is discipleship done? What does it look like? It isn’t enough to know what we want to accomplish, or where we want to go in ministry. We must be able to bring concrete plans and activity to bear in the life of each disciple.


The Four Goals should point toward who to be, not what to do. “Be established,” but use the following four things in each of the four goals to accomplish this!


1. Teach – make sure you have comprehension of the material.


2. Train – illustrate and show you how these biblical principles apply to our lives.


3. Task – challenge you to begin to step out in obedient faith as they identify ways to live out what you

 are learning.


4. Team – challenge you to partner together with our congregation in ministry.

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